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Feature Friday: Scuola Leonardo da Vinci Rome

Published Bernice on Friday, January 27, 2023 6:39 AM

Feature Friday: Scuola Leonardo da Vinci Rome

In today's Feature Friday post we are going to turn our spotlight onto one of our neighbouring schools situated in the Eternal City....Rome, obviously :) We are referring to Scuola Leonardo da Vinci Rome.

Can you tell us something about your school?

Scuola Leonardo da Vinci Rome was born in 1984, out of the enthusiasm and passion of living in contact with people who love to explore new cultures. In the beginning, we, the owners, had to carry out all functions, from teaching to administrative procedures. A fabulous experience, which made us richer and enabled us to understand the needs of students, teachers and admin staff.

We’ve made friends from all over the world and still to this day they pop up for hello when in Rome.

Getting bigger, we dedicated ourselves to the development of the school and to the utmost attention to quality.

Over the course of nearly 40 years, we have gone from 20 students per month and max 10 nationalities, to over 200 students per month from over 90 countries!

What agents are you looking to work with? 

With agents from all over the world: we adore diversity of individuals and cultures.

There is always a personal enrichment in knowing new cultures, new ways and traditions.

In fact, a school like ours got to know the importance of the BRIC countries, before this acronym appeared in business newspapers. Just like now, we see an interesting development of the Arab and African countries.

Mention your 3 top unique selling points: Position, quality and customer care

  1. The position; we are in a historic building in the heart of Rome. The student arrives and immediately finds himself in the "Roman Beauty". From our center, the wonders of Rome are all within a short walk
  2. Quality! We follow through the processes, from the moment of the first info request, to the registration and the actual stay. We constantly monitor the quality of the class and the accommodation.

Students' expectations change over time, but we keep an eye on that and we are able to satisfy everyone and implement innovations.

Digitization helps a lot and makes teamwork easier.

  1. Customer care. Customer care is fundamental and its experience with us is not limited to teaching but to integration into Italian culture; we organize many cultural activities that an ordinary tourist would not even imagine. We like to create emotions, which help to memorize what was taught in class.

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